Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+

Space Delta 11 - Range & Aggressors

DEL 11 delivers realistic, threat-informed test and training environments through the provision of live, virtual, and constructive range and combat replication capability in order to prepare USSF, joint, and allied forces to prevail in a Contested, Degraded, and Operationally-Limited (CDO) environment. 

Elite Range and Aggressor professionals fortifying the combat credibility of our nation’s space warfighters and warfighting capabilities. 

      11th Delta Operations Squadron Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado

     25th Space Range Squadron -  Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado

     57th Space Aggressor Squadron -  Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado

     98th Space Range Squadron -  Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado

      527th Space Aggressor Squadron -  Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado
Official Photo of Col. Jay Steingold

Delta 11 Commander
Col Jay M. Steingold

Official photo of CMSgt Steven Sweeden

Delta 11 Senior Enlisted Leader
CMSgt Steven A. Sweeden