Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+

Space Delta 13 - Education

We educate space-minded warriors in support of National interests

Space leaders intellectually prepared and ready to prevail in competition and conflict

To ensure Delta 13 Guardian and family wellness and accomplish our education mission and vision we will:

  • Push Educational Boundaries
  • Enhance Personal Communications
  • Strengthen Organizational Foundations
  • Build Connections

DEL 13 draws its heritage from the former 3430th Technical Training Group (TCHTG) at Lowry AFB, Colorado, which was responsible for all space related training in support of the former Air Force Space Command. The 3430th TCHTG was activated Oct. 1, 1984 and inactivated Sept. 1, 1991.

 13th Delta Operations Squadron (DOS) - Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

 National Security Space Institute (NSSI) - Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado

 Forrest L. Vosler Noncommissioned Officer Academy (NCOA) Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado

 Detachment 1 - United States Air Force Academy, Colorado

 Detachment 2 Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama

 Detachment 3 - Washington D.C.
Official photo of Col. Bryan Dutcher

Delta 13 Commander
Col Bryan J. Dutcher

Official photo of CMSgt Nichole Reynolds

Delta 13 Senior Enlisted Leader
CMSgt Nichole E. Reynolds