Artist’s rendering of WGS-11+

533d Training Squadron

533d Training Squadron Emblem


Vandenberg SFB, CA
Building 8173


Officer Undergraduate Space Training (OUST) and Enlisted Undergraduate Space Training (EUST)

  • The undergraduate space training programs are now referred to as the Gateway Training Program


  • The METIS course is a 5-week unclassified course covering space fundamentals
  • The ARTEMIS course is a 2-week TS/SCI course covering blue and red space asset capabilities, limitations, and vulnerabilities

Combat Cyber Course (C3)

  • Designed as a 15-week, self-paced course, C3 utilizes a two-phased teaching approach, focusing on red and blue cyber tactics. Each phase ends with a capstone project and an industry-level certification.
  • To nominate participants, send an email to

If you are an incoming student and you wish to be a member of the 533d welcome page to obtain more information about your course, please contact: