AAS recognizes STARCOM historian with President’s Award

  • Published
  • By 1st Lt. Charles Rivezzo, Space Training and Readiness Command Public Affairs

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. – Space Training and Readiness Command historian and author, Dr. Rick W. Sturdevant, received the American Astronautical Society (AAS) President's Award for his work as series editor for the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) History Series, April 17.

The AAS President's Award is presented to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to astronautics.

“I can't think of anyone who is more approachable, credible, and humble about their expertise than you [Sturdevant]," said Maj. Gen. Shawn Bratton, commander of STARCOM, during the award presentation ceremony. "Anyone who has been around Air Force Space Command and now the Space Force knows that you have been critical in capturing not only everything we've done but also informing how we think about it. The fact that you're here at STARCOM, where our mission is to train and educate a whole new generation of Guardians, is just perfect.”​

Sturdevant’s accomplishment as series editor began in 2008 when he was approached by the chair of the AAS History Committee to assume the role. At the time, a backlog of unpublished volumes existed dating from 2001, each containing 25-30 chapters on various topics ranging from memoirs to scientific and technical studies of rocketry and spaceflight. Many of these chapters were poorly translated from foreign languages and required meticulous editing to maintain an author's original meaning.

Within the first four years of assuming the series editor’s role, Sturdevant successfully brought the series up to date. Over his 14-year tenure, he oversaw the completion of 22 volumes, each averaging 450 pages in length. His leadership and commitment to the series have been a vital contribution to the history of astronautics.

“When I agreed to become editor of the IAA history series, I knew it would be a daunting challenge to bring the series up to date,” Sturdevant said. “Nonetheless, I accomplished the task with the help of a very competent copy editor. In the process, my editorial role connected me with many new colleagues―historians, engineers, scientists, astronauts, and other space professionals worldwide. Their support helped keep publication on track once I had caught things up. I shall cherish their friendship forever.”

In addition to his work on the IAA History Series, Sturdevant has been an active member of the AAS and IAA History Committees since 1992 and 2009, respectively. He was appointed to the IAA History Committee by the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) secretariat in Paris, France. Furthermore, since the mid-1990s, Sturdevant has served on the AAS History Committee's selection panel for the annual Eugene M. Emme Astronautical Literature Award recipient.

Sturdevant's contributions to the field of astronautics have not gone unnoticed. In 2007, the AAS elected him as an AAS Fellow "for outstanding contributions to astronautics," the first and only Department of the Air Force historian to be so honored. His dedication to preserving the history of astronautics and making it accessible to future generations is truly commendable.

The AAS President's Award is a fitting recognition of Sturdevant's contributions to the field of astronautics. His work as series editor for the IAA History Series has ensured that the history of rocketry and spaceflight is not lost to time, but rather preserved for future generations.

Sturdevant said he is grateful to the AAS and IAA for recognizing his commitment and dedication to their respective committees.

“While I appreciate the recognition this award brings and am grateful for its presentation before my assembled STARCOM team members, I must acknowledge that any worthwhile accomplishment invariably relies on more than a single individual,” Sturdevant said. “Without the research, initial drafts, and final submissions of many dedicated authors over the past 14 years, there would have been no IAA history series.”