CMSgt Karmann-Monique Pogue is the Command Senior Enlisted Leader for Space Training and Readiness Command, temporarily headquartered at Peterson Space Force Base, Colorado until the command relocates to Patrick Space Force Base, Florida. 

Space Training and Readiness Command was established as a Field Command August 23, 2021, and the command is responsible for preparing, developing and delivering more than 14,000 military and civilian Guardians to enable the United States Space Force to prevail in competition and conflict through innovative education, training, doctrine, and test activities.

CMSgt Pogue is a native of Tucson, Arizona and enlisted in the Air Force in May 1999 as a Space Systems Operator (1C6X1). Her background includes numerous space operations positions, providing space-based theater ballistic missile warning, space electronic warfare, ground-based missile warning and space domain awareness operations. She has trained combat air, sea and land forces to operate in GPS & satellite communication denied environments and developed adversary war employment concepts to replicate realistic threats to the space force enhancement mission. CMSgt Pogue has extensive experience as an operator, instructor and leader and has served at the squadron, group, Space Delta and Combatant Command levels. Her operational deployments include Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom and the Combined Joint Task Force-Horn of Africa Operations. Prior to her current position, CMSgt Pogue was the Senior Enlisted Leader, Space Delta 10, United States Air Force Academy, Colorado. 

CMSgt Pogue transferred to the United States Space Force on September 1, 2020. 

2003 Airman Leadership School, Peterson AFB, CO
2007 Associates in Applied Science Degree, Air and Space Operations Technology, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL 
2010 Bachelor of Science, Sociology, Ashford University, Clinton, IA 
2010 Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education Course I, National Defense University, Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C. 
2010 Non-Commissioned Officers Academy, Peterson AFB, CO
2014 Professional Manager Certification, Air University, Maxwell AFB, AL 
2016 United States Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer’s Academy, Training Center, Petaluma, CA
2018 Senior Enlisted Joint Professional Military Education Course II, National Defense University, Ft. McNair, Washington, D.C.
2021 Chief Leadership Course, Maxwell AFB, AL 
2022 Senior Enlisted Legal Orientation Course, Maxwell AFB, AL 
2024 Leading Strategically, Center for Creative Leadership, Colorado Springs, CO 

1.    May 1999 – June 1999, Basic Military Training, 323rd Training Squadron, Lackland AFB, TX
2.    June 1999 – August 1999, Student, Enlisted Space Operations Training, 533rd Training Squadron, Vandenberg AFB, CA,
3.    August 1999 – October 2002, Data Systems Operator, 11th Space Warning Squadron, Schriever AFB, CO
4.    October 2002 – May 2004, NCOIC, Standardization & Evaluations, 22nd Space Operations Squadron, Schriever AFB, CO
5.    May 2004 – June 2007, Operations Training NCO, 76th Space Control Squadron, Peterson AFB, CO (January 2006 – May 2006, SATCOM Interference Response System Operator, Operation SILENT SENTRY, 379th Expeditionary Communications Squadron, Al Udied AB, Qatar)
6.    June 2007 – December 2009, Senior Evaluator, Space Control Ops Branch, 21st Operations Group, Peterson AFB, CO (August 2008 – March 2009, Space Duty Technician, Special Technical Operations Cell, Combat Operations Division, 609th Air Operations Center, Al Udied AB, Qatar)
7.    December 2009 – November 2012, NCOIC, Adversary Plans Flight, 527th Space Aggressor Squadron, Schriever AFB, CO
8.    November 2012 – November 2016, Superintendent, Contingency Operations Division, Headquarters United States Northern Command (J38), Peterson AFB, CO
9.    November 2016 – February 2018, Squadron Superintendent, 16th Space Control Squadron, Peterson AFB, CO
10.  February 2018 – July 2019, Squadron Superintendent, 10th Space Warning Squadron, Cavalier AFS, ND
11.  July 2019 – January 2021, Squadron Superintendent, 4th Space Operations Squadron, Schriever AFB, CO
12.  January 2021 – July 2021, Senior Enlisted Leader, Headquarters United States Space Command, Operations Training and Force Development Directorate (J3/7), Schriever SFB, CO
13.  August 2021 – January 2024, Senior Enlisted Leader, Space Delta 10, United States Air Force Academy, CO
14.  January 2024 – Present, Senior Enlisted Leader, Space Training and Readiness Command, temporarily located at Peterson SFB, CO

Legion of Merit
Defense Meritorious Service Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster
Meritorious Service Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters
Joint Service Commendation Medal with 
Air Force Commendation Medal with three Oak Leaf Clusters
Joint Service Achievement Medal
Air Force Achievement Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters
Combat Readiness Medal
Air Force Recognition Medal
Remote Combat Effects Campaign Medal

1999 Distinguished Graduate, Enlisted Space Operations Training
2000 821st Space Group Enlisted Space Operator of the Year
2000 11th Space Warning Squadron Airmen of the Year
2003 Distinguished Graduate, Airman Leadership School
2007 Air Force Association Pursuit of Aerospace Power & Betterment of Mankind Citation of Honor
2010 Distinguished Graduate, Non-Commissioned Officers Academy
2010 527th Space Aggressor Squadron Instructor of the Year
2013 USNORTHCOM Enlisted Space Operator of the Year
2013 HQ NORAD & USNORTHCOM Lance P. Sijan Award
2013 HQ NORAD & USNORTHCOM SMSgt Margaret Barbour Award
2014 USNORTHCOM/J3 Junior Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year
2014 HQ NORAD & USNORTHCOM Junior Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year
2014 USNORTHCOM Enlisted Space Operator of the Year
2014 USNORTHCOM/J3 Senior Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year
2016 Altus Tendo (Distinguished Graduate), United States Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer’s Academy

Chief Master Sergeant October 1, 2020

(Current as of September 2024)