WEBVTT 00:02.000 --> 00:04.789 Culture , culture is what defines us , 00:05.150 --> 00:08.359 it's what motivates us . It creates our 00:08.359 --> 00:11.279 identity as a military service . Space 00:11.279 --> 00:13.001 training and readiness command 00:13.001 --> 00:16.000 harnesses our culture . And forges 00:16.000 --> 00:18.056 those who raise their hands to serve 00:18.056 --> 00:20.809 our country . Into America's space 00:20.809 --> 00:23.049 force guardians , our space force 00:23.049 --> 00:25.382 culture is built on values of character , 00:25.382 --> 00:28.319 connection , commitment and courage . 00:28.610 --> 00:30.332 It's a culture that encourages 00:30.332 --> 00:32.970 innovation , fosters collaboration and 00:32.970 --> 00:36.580 drives progress . Guardians are united 00:36.580 --> 00:40.229 by a common purpose . To defend our 00:40.229 --> 00:43.990 nation's interests in , from , and to 00:43.990 --> 00:44.990 space . 00:48.919 --> 00:50.975 As guardians , we are more than just 00:50.975 --> 00:53.029 our individual identities . We are 00:53.029 --> 00:55.759 innovators , we are explorers , and we 00:55.759 --> 00:59.409 are leaders . Our culture 00:59.409 --> 01:01.569 blends the best of America's military 01:01.569 --> 01:03.458 tradition with a forward thinking 01:03.458 --> 01:05.513 mission mindset needed for the joint 01:05.513 --> 01:07.769 fight as we guard the space domain . 01:08.919 --> 01:11.440 StarCom prepares the world's best space 01:11.440 --> 01:13.384 war fighting forces to outpace the 01:13.384 --> 01:16.389 threat from our guardian's first steps 01:16.639 --> 01:19.099 to war gaming , integrated test , 01:19.839 --> 01:23.440 training , doctrine , exercise , and 01:23.440 --> 01:25.800 education . Starkom imprints our 01:25.800 --> 01:28.389 culture that drives us as pioneers 01:28.389 --> 01:30.190 guarding our boundless future . 01:34.790 --> 01:36.040 Semper supra .